International E-Conference Social and technological innovation

From 6th to 10th July 2020

Discover our speakers

Throughout the world, thanks to their actions, these women and men are sowing the small seeds of change, questioning the current system and bringing innovation, solutions, alternatives in the way of seeing things and above all, in the way of doing things. Whether they are Researchers, Engineers or Activists, they will bear witness to their journey and their inspiring initiatives, to enable us to apprehend new approaches, germinate new ideas, and perhaps give you the desire to become, in your turn, a source of inspiration around you.

Tarek Alsaleh

Founder at FrontlineAid & Consultant

Tarek Alsaleh is an international development expert with a particular focus on innovation tech, localization, sports, culture, and refugees. He has over 20 years of cross-sectoral leadership experience. Tarek has consulted with the UN, the EU, various foundations and bootstrapped programs in high-risk projects across war zones, including Syria.

Tarek is now a speaker, thinker and advocate for systemic change. As part of his work, he started FrontlineAid. The aim of FrontlineAid is to use innovative tech to help break down the cartel system in aid.

Tarek has won lots of international awards & pats on the back. He was just awarded the Inspired Leadership Award 2018 by The Performance Theatre which recognizes emerging leaders that ‘reinvent growth’ and drive positive change on a global scale

“I give a little here, I give a little there and I keep a little for myself”
Half Syrian, half German entrepreneur, he also changed the law in Syria to set up

“Running my own start-up charity was extremely frustrating,
In the aid sector, each organization is competing with each other – for money, for visibility, for paying their employees’ salaries. Local initiatives are struggling to survive, worn down by bureaucracy.

I want to change this!”

Conference: How technology can create a sea change and save a sector losing billions of dollars to bureaucracy

Irene Arroupe

Catalyst of innovation-driven transformation

Founder and MD of Be-Innov, Irene Arroupe supports organisations on their transformation journey, leveraging on innovative, agile and collaborative approaches.
Her goal is to reveal differentiated opportunities and maximize the value for the company, by engaging both management and operational teams.

She is involved in the pharmaceutical, financial and technological sectors, in both public and private organizations.
For over 15 years, Irene has been fostering partnerships between organisations and the development and implementation of innovative and sustainable growth strategies – in order to give meaning to the work of each man and woman.

Conference: Can we find a balance between contractual requirements and reality in the field?

Romain Calaque

Consultant in governance, strategy and management of biodiversity conservation in Central and West Africa.

Consultant in governance, strategy and management of biodiversity conservation in Central and West Africa. Currently consultant with EuropeAid within the Biodiversity for Life initiative, as a facilitator of EU-funded biodiversity initiatives in Central and West Africa.

Workshop: Detoxifying conservationist waffle

Chouchouna Losale

Chargée des programmes de la CFLEDD

Chouchouna LOSALE, licenciée en sciences de la Communication, Marketing et Relations Publiques à l’Université de Kinshasa s’est engagée dans la promotion de compétences des femmes depuis son jeune âge. Sa passion l’a conduit à poursuivre sa formation sur la gouvernance forestière à l’université de Telford en Angleterre et à l’Université de Louvain sur les Ressources naturelles « Terres et Forêt ».

Après plusieurs formations sur différentes thématiques, elle s’est spécialisée sur la question « Genre et Gouvernance Forestière » où elle en est sortie formatrice des formateurs dans plusieurs domaines ayant trait à l’environnement. C’est ainsi que Mme Chouchouna s’est associée aux femmes qui militent contre la discrimination dans les organes de prise de décision. C’est dans cette optique qu’est venue l’idée de la mise en place de la Coalition des Femmes Leaders pour l’Environnement et le Développement Durable en 2011.

Dans le souci de promouvoir les compétences de la femme congolaise et de sécuriser ses droits, Chouchouna LOSALE a exécuté plusieurs projets dans différentes provinces de la R.D.Congo, parmi lesquels le projet d’appui à la reconnaissance des droits fonciers et forestiers des femmes, nominé avec excellence sur le plan mondial.

Son credo : Ne jamais baisser les bras ou reculer devant les individus qui rappellent l’adage selon lequel « BASI BATONGAKA MBOKA TE (une nation n’est jamais bâtie par les femmes) ».

Son plus grand conseil, c’est de persévérer dans les études, de toujours oser quand il le faut, et de ne pas se laisser abattre par les préjugés de la société. La femme est appelée à renforcer constamment ses connaissances en vue de jouir pleinement de ses droits.

Romain Calaque


Directeur Exécutif CAGDFT

Théophile Gata Dikulukila is Co-founder and Executive Director of the Centre d’Appui à la Gestion Durable des Forêts Tropicales (CAGDFT), a Congolese non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been campaigning since 2011 for the rational management of the environment and the defense of the land and forest rights of local communities and indigenous peoples. 

Mr. Gata has accumulated more than 30 years of experience including 17 years in the central forest administration and 18 years in environmental civil society where he currently holds the lead in community forest management with the facilitation of national and provincial multi-stakeholder roundtables as a framework for consultation and exchange of stakeholders for the harmonious development of the community forestry process in the DRC.

With his experience and master’s degree in Integrated Planning and Management of Tropical Forests and Territories, Mr. Gata is a Senior Expert on issues of natural resource governance, biodiversity conservation and climate change. In this capacity, he has worked extensively for several national and international organizations as a consultant. He facilitates several national fora and provides training to NGOs, local and provincial administrations and LC/PAs on issues related to the governance of natural resources and climate change in the DRC.

Ummul Choudhury

Co Founder and CEO, capoeira4refugees

Ummul Choudhury is co-founder of capoeira4refugees, an international charity using the unique Brazilian artform of capoeira to work with vulnerable young people in areas of conflict. She founded social capoeira programmes in Palestine, in Syria, Jordan and Berlin working with vulnerable refugees.

Ummul has been recognised for her humanitarian and development work, by the Asian Women of Achievement Awards, and Ogunte Women’s awards. She is a guest lecturer on humanitarian and development issues, and speaks on the wider issues surrounding young people, conflict and mental health. She is currently working on her first book, United Nonsense, as part of advocating for transformational change in how the Western aid industry currently operates.

Ummul is first generation, born to immigrant parents from Bangladesh. She has a Master Degree in Near and Middle Eastern Studies, speaks Arabic, Hindi, Bengali as well as her native English. She is a keen sportswoman, as well as playing capoeira she is a kickboxer, climber, and gym-goer.

Conference: United Nonsense – A revolution in international aid

Hannah Davies

Executive Coach | Storytelling

Hannah Davies is a British executive coach specialising in storytelling for business and emotional agility. She works with leaders and organisations all over the world bringing their ideas and strategy to life, achieving engaging and influencing communication. Helping businesses to use a story driven approach to connect and restore humanity by tapping into the natural power we all possess.

Stories can support or work against us in achieving our full potential – whether on a company strategy level or as an individual. Through breaking old narrative, she is able to support her clients to develop stronger emotional resilience for higher performance, confidence and creativity in all forms of communication.

Conference: How to influence, engage and inspire action through storytelling

Aliou Demba Kebe

Aliou Demba Kebe

West Africa Program Director for the PeaceNexus Foundation

Mr Kebe has over 20 years of experience in programme design and management in the international development sector, 15 of which have been in conflict zones. He has worked for several local and international organisations, including USAID, AED, FHI 360, Oxfam, the EU, SIDA, CEDEAO, AJWS Foundation, Afrique Enjeux and the government of Senegal.
He has a versatile skillset and is adept at designing, implementing and evaluating programmes and in creating learning programmes to transform teams and synchronise leadership, strategies and outcomes.

As a specialist in democracy, governance, human rights and peace at USAID, over the last six years he has managed tens of contracts, including governance and peace programmes, conflict mitigation with People to People (P2P) and addressing human trafficking (C-TIP).
Mr Kebe has played an active role in the Coalition for Arms Control, which works to end the flow of arms and ammunition that fuels conflict, poverty and human rights violations in West Africa. In this capacity, he has worked collaboratively with a network of over 100 civil society organisations in West Africa.

He holds a Master’s in Engineering and Training Management from the Centre Africain d’Etudes Supérieures en Gestion (CESAG) and a Master’s in Science and Technology Education from the Polytechnic University of Dakar.

Mr Kebe is currently West Africa Programme Director at PeaceNexus Foundation.

Conference: Governance in African NGOs: Historical heritage and the need for introspection

Cyrille François

Agile Coach / Team Leader Facilitator & Graphic facilitator

Member of the organisation promoting Agile working in Toulouse (, the International Forum of Visual Practitioners ( and its European sister organisation, EVP ( Cyrille engages in these communities, sharing and actively participating in adopting as many tools as possible (including apps, agile games and visual techniques) in order to be best placed to respond to user needs. Always with a view to protecting our human environment, by using the services that are best suited to each context.

Conference: Smart tools for online facilitation

Isaac Getz

ESCP Professor, international lecturer

Isaac Getz is a professor at the top-ranked ESCP Business School and formerly a visiting professor at Cornell and Stanford.
Isaac studied over 300 companies in 30 countries and wrote on topics of leadership, corporate transformation, freedom – and responsibility – based culture, and the altruistic corporation.
International speaker Isaac gave speeches for hundreds of companies, organizations, and forums on four continents, including Peter Drucker Global Forum in Vienna.
A study by The French National Foundation for the Management and Business Education on the world 50 most influential living management thinkers ranked Isaac at N°4.

Conference: Transforming organisations to promote initiative and collaboration

Olga Gilbert

CEO at ViTi-Coaching

Following a period of academic research in sociology at Sciences Po Paris, Olga joined ViTi in 2016 to develop SquareMeeting, a platform for learning how to coach teams remotely. As a trainer in remote facilitation and a co-development practitioner, at ViTi Olga coordinates a community of more than 300 facilitators trained in the SquareMeeting approach to remote facilitation, offering companies a way to fosters strong, remote connections in virtual meetings.

Conference: Animer des groupes de codéveloppement en ligne

Simon Hearn

Independant consultant

Simon is an independent consultant supporting clients to develop systems for monitoring and evaluating research impact, policy influence and advocacy. He specialises in Outcome Mapping and has been the coordinator the Outcome Mapping Learning Community for the past ten years. He was previously a Research Fellow with the Research and Policy in Development programme at the Overseas Development Institute and co-authored the RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach: a guide to policy engagement and influence. He has written extensively on areas including monitoring and learning, impact evaluation, knowledge management, research impact, online communities, networks and coalitions. He is a Research Associate at ODI, an associate of OnThinkTanks, and a founder member of the BetterEvaluation initiative.

Workshop: Outcome Mapping: An approach to put people and behaviour at the centre of planning, monitoring and evaluation

Hellen Kitonga

Hellen Kitonga

Trainer for local resource mobilisation at KCDF

Hellen is a skilled fundraiser with over 10 years’ experience in fundraising and managing programs for various organisations. She currently works at the Kenya Community Development Foundation as a Corporate Fundraising Officer and is a Trainer of Trainers (ToT) for local resource mobilization.
Hellen holds a Bachelor of Management & Leadership degree from Management University of Africa and a diploma from the Kenya Institute of Management.

Conference: Local resource mobilization in the Global South “a boost to community resilience”

Charles Kojo Vandyck

Charles Kojo Vandyck

Head, Capacity Development Unit at West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI)

Charles Kojo Vandyck is a social justice advocate with expertise in the development and implementation of civil society sustainability and leadership programs. Charles was the Founding Board Chair of Innovation for Change-Africa. He was also a member of the International Consortium on Closing Civic Space (iCon), an initiative of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC. He currently serves as a member of the Governing Board of Africans Rising, a Pan-African movement of people and organisations, working for justice, peace and dignity. Charles also serves as the Head, Capacity Development Unit at the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI). He is a member of the Development Studies Association, United Kingdom and is a 2017 Stanford University Fellow for Non-profit Leaders and a certified Change the Game Academy Local Fundraising Trainer.

Lionelle Ngo Samnick

Program Specialist at Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable – IFDD

Convinced that it is possible to be both serious and light-hearted in the struggle for sustainable development, Lionelle is passionate about a diversity of approaches to communication and uses a multitude of means to convey her beliefs and knowledge. A prolific author and editor, she has written over 30 publications in various formats (from reference materials and practical guides to comics, recipe books and fairy tales, among others) and several online courses with a common theme of sustainable development.

Conference: Est-ce que les MOOCs sont une solution d’avenir pour accompagner les OSC en Afrique ?

Caesar Ngule

Programmes Director at Kenya Community Development Foundation

Currently working for the Kenya Community Development Foundation as the programmes director, Caesar is a dedicated community led development expert with over twelve years of experience in organising, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating community-led development programmes in the Global South.
He is highly experienced in grants management, local resource mobilisation, secure livelihoods approaches, education, community health, climate change adaptation, policy influencing, and organisational development/institution building.
Caesar holds a Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management, a Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Management in Community Development and a Bachelor of Arts in Community Development among other competencies in training.

Sharon Olang

Sharon Olang

 Fundraising trainer and coach at KCDF

Sharon Olang is a skilled local fundraising and mobilising support trainer and coach. She currently works at the Kenya Community Development Foundation as a Senior Programmes Officer – E-Learning Coaching and Mentorship and serves as a resource person for the Change the Game Academy programme.
With over 10 years’ experience in developing and managing programmes, Sharon is an adept advocate of local resource mobilisation and has helped organisations in advancing their resources and taking charge of their own development agenda.

Conference: Local resource mobilization in the Global South “a boost to community resilience”

Ouishare team



Founded in Paris in January 2012, Ouishare is an organisation that describes itself as a community and an accelerator of ideas and projects that are dedicated to creating a collaborative society: one which is based on the principles of openness, collaboration, trust and shared values.

OuiShare is a Think-and-Do-Tank organised around the principles of “Do-cratie” (encouraging doing and experimenting, not just thinking) and has a horizontal, distributed and independent structure. It is constantly evolving as an organisation and has adaptability, flexibility and meritocracy written into its DNA.

Presentation of the speakers

  • Tanamiranga is an active member of the Paris community. He grew up in Madagascar and then, after studying in France and working in a consulting firm, he joined the collective in 2016 to work on platform design and strategy issues.
  • Clothilde is a connector based between Paris and Munich. She is involved in both development and strategy as an Ouishare organization and leads and participates in its projects, events and online media.
  • Following his one-year stay in South Africa, Antoine decided to join the Ouishare collective. He worked as a project manager and facilitator for two years before being recruited by IFT, a company specialized in the sale of eco-friendly industrial filters. His commitment at Ouishare as a connector is articulated between the organization of events, the animation of a community in Marseille, the contribution to the online magazine, the participation in collective decision making.

Round table: Working in a global network: the many (hi)stories of Ouishare

Francesca Pick

Partner Greaterthan | Member Ouishare & Enspiral

I’m a collaboration catalyst, network pollinator, consultant and speaker working on enabling the emergence of a new generation of more collaborative, open and self-managed organizations.

As partner at Greaterthan and member of the global networks OuiShare and Enspiral, I work with people, teams and organizations at the forefront of decentralized, self-managed and participatory work. I am specifically interested in how we can do self-organization well when it comes to difficult decisions around money, power and governance. This is why one of my focuses is on how to implement collaborative budgeting with tools such as and

Conference: Rethinking money in our working lifetime: challenges and new practices

Arnaud Poissonnier

Expert en financement participatif et fondateur de Babyloan
Site internet

Arnaud Poissonnier lance en février 2008 le premier site Internet européen de crowdlending solidaire : Ce site est devenu en quelques mois la seconde plus importante plateforme internet de ce type au monde.
Babyloan permet aux internautes de financer des projets entrepreneuriaux dans un vingtaine de pays du monde. Près de 45 000 micro-entrepreneurs ont ainsi été financés depuis 2008, permettant à Babyloan et sa communauté de 90 000 membres de devenir une véritable banque citoyenne universelle.

Conference: How is crowdfunding a civic alternative?

Maxime de Rostolan

Founder of Fermes d’Avenir, Blue Bees and the La Bascule movement

With an engineering degree under his belt, Maxime set off around the world in a campervan for the next two years to research water issues. Returning to France in 2007, he became the director of the Deyrolle publishing house, updating their illustrated educational posters and designing more than 150 new ones on issues of sustainable development. At the same time he started Blue Bees, the first accredited crowdfunding platform to offer interest-bearing loans specialising in food and agricultural projects in Africa.
He then came across biomimetics, created the organisation Biomimicry France, and later discovered permaculture. He began to teach himself organic market gardening and moved to Touraine in 2014 where he founded the organisation, Fermes d’Avenir (Farms of the Future) and launched his own experimental micro-farm. He built the organisation by developing training programmes and consulting services, agricultural shows to support farmers and an agroecology tour of France. Maxime is highly engaged with law and policy as part of the French National Food Conference (Etats Généraux de l’Alimentation) and has put forward several amendments, including one on paying for ecosystem services, which was voted for then censured by the constitutional council. He left Fermes d’Avenir in early 2019 to launch La Bascule, a citizen lobbying movement, supported by students who are committed to changing the system.
In 2020 he is throwing himself into a new project, creating a community tree nursery: Communitrees.

Conference: Let’s (re)capitalise our future!

Aurélie Salvaire

Shiftbalance founder. Diversity & Inclusion expert. Program Director at GAIA Insights.

Aurélie Salvaire is a French author, trainer, and facilitator passionate about diversity and inclusion. Graduated from France’s leading business school HEC Paris, she has been designing and implementing D&I programs and trainings in the corporate world with clients such as Airbus, Danone, Enedis or Telenor. She is currently leading the Inclusive Leadership Accelerator Program within Gaia Insights. From 2012 to 2015, she has curated different TEDx events and especially TEDxBarcelonaWomen and coached dozens of international speakers. In 2012, she founded The A Factor which has run storytelling workshops, innovation tours and inspiring events in places as diverse as Beirut or Nairobi. She is also a very active speaker and trainer, promoting greater diversity and shedding light on lingering stereotypes through her platform Shiftbalance.

She recently released her online course Storytelling for female game changers on Udemy in French and in English and her objective for 2020 is to train 2.000 women in 20 countries to tell their story. Shiftbalance is running Power Bootcamps in different locations in the world and the free online 21 Day Challenge is available in many languages. She is also an experienced facilitator, member of the Facilitators Pools of Airbus Leadership University and Ashoka Changemaker Exchange. She is fluent in English, French, and Spanish and has basic knowledge of Arabic and Urdu.

Conference: What if tomorrow’s world was female?
Workshop: Identify your raison d’être and have a greater impact

Bastien Siebman

Asana Certified Expert

Bastien is an Asana Certified pro who helped clients all around the world. He published thousands of answers on the Asana online community, making him the #1 contributor in the world and two times member of the month. He also published three books about Asana, created a team of Asana virtual assistants, and released a dozen of tools around Asana. His passion for minimalism and productivity lead him to create

Conference: Managing teams collaboratively and remotely with Asana

Université Du Nous / Hum

Citizen Organization

Since 2010, the Université du Nous has reinvented what it means to be “in it together”. Through its experiences of cooperation and collective intelligence it has found its raison d’etre in delivering apprenticeships to those who are equally as inspired to see fundamental change in society.

UdN is a citizen-based organisation that aims to be a space for research, experimentation, creativity and shared goals on new ways of working together. UdN questions, tests and shapes the different concepts related to collective intelligence, shared governance and power in equal relationships.

Conference: Shared Governance: Promise, Illusion and Reality

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